The structure of contemporary Polish rural society. Regional diversity


  • Maria Halamska Autorka jest pracownikiem naukowym Instytutu Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN


structure social, structure social-vocational, structure education, structure incomem, regional diversity


This sketch presents the structure of rural society. It concentrates on three aspects of the rural social condition: the social-vocational structure, the educational structure (indicating qualification levels) and the revenue structure. The latter is one of the most important factors determining a person's place in the hierarchy of consumer society. The empirical data base is derived from research and the analysis of the Diagnoza społeczna 2009 [Social Diagnosis 2009]. In this year, research was conducted on a representative sample of 12 381 households, comprising 37 841 people. In this a rural sample comprised 4079 households (33%), and included 38.7% of the total sample population. The diversity of rural society has been presented on a nationwide scale and in two regional cross-sections: according to administrative-political regions, or voivodships, and according to the historical regions formed in the 19th and 20th centuries. This second cross section shows Polish territory that was under the control of various partitioning powers in the 19th century and the territories assigned to Poland after the Second World War (formerly known as the “Recovered Territories”).


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How to Cite

Halamska, M. (2014) “The structure of contemporary Polish rural society. Regional diversity”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (1 (162), pp. 81–96. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2024).




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