EU Common Agricultural Policy After 2013 – Substantiation, Functions, Directions of Development in the Context of Interests of Polish Agriculture


  • Walenty Poczta Autor jest pracownikiem naukowym Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu



Common Agricultural Policy, the level of assistance, CAP measures, directions of changes, substantiation, needs and expectations of the agricultural sector in Poland


This article is a contribution to the discussion about the future shape of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy. It refers to the paper “Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 – proposals of changes” published in “Wieś i Rolnictwo 2010/2” and it includes the author’s own reflections on the future shape of CAP. The model of CAP after 2013 is crucial not only from the point of view of the agricultural sector, but also from the point of view of the entire Polish economy. The expectations of the Polish agricultural sector towards CAP in 2014-2020 are going to be determined by the level of assistance recorded in 2013, by the sector’s modernization needs and ability to fulfil its function as a provider of public goods. The analysis conducted in the article proves that policy measures from both pillars of CAP have a fundamental meaning for Poland. The level of assistance, its common character and the preservation of equilibrium between direct support and pro-environmental and pro-modernization measures remain important.


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How to Cite

Poczta, W. (2010) “EU Common Agricultural Policy After 2013 – Substantiation, Functions, Directions of Development in the Context of Interests of Polish Agriculture”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (3 (148), pp. 38–55. doi: 10.53098/wir.2010.3.148/03.



Common Agricultural Policy After 2013

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