Management of Agricultural Real Estate Belonging to State Property Stock and Implementation of the Agricultural System Formation Act


  • Waldemar Humięcki Waldemar Humięcki, Agriculture Property Agency, Warsaw, Poland,
  • Bogdan Podgórski Bogdan Podgórski, Agriculture Property Agency, Warsaw, Poland,



land leases and sales, land lease, open public tenders, restricted tenders, functions and tasks of Agricultural Property Agency


The Authors try to evaluate the Agricultural Property Agency’s (APA’s) operations to date regarding the implementation of its statutory tasks, disposal of property and the implementation of tasks related with the formation of the agricultural system. From the very beginning of APA’s operation, 3.3 million hectares of land have been permanently allocated, of which 2.7 million hectares through sales, which was the predominant form of the property transfer. Infrastructure of state farms taken over by the Agencywas also subject to privatization. At present, after the legislative amendments (the Act of 2016) long-term lease is the leading form which enables agricultural land cultivation without engaging financial means. Currently, the tend of reducing the area granted for lease was stopped by leasing available land and limiting the sales of land, the area of which exceedes 2 ha. The analysis was based on the data of the Agricultural Property Agency’s reports, internal studies and available literature. The presented results prove the Agency’s huge involvement in the process of privatisation of agricultural property and other processes which concern state-owned property and real estate in the private market.


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How to Cite

Humięcki, W. and Podgórski, B. (2016) “Management of Agricultural Real Estate Belonging to State Property Stock and Implementation of the Agricultural System Formation Act”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (3 (172), pp. 187–202. doi: 10.53098/wir032016/09.

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