Real Estate Management of Agricultural Assets of the State Treasury


  • Bogdan Podgórski Autor jest kierownikiem Sekcji Analiz i Prognoz w Zespole Gospodarowania Zasobem Biura Prezesa Agencji Nieruchomości Rolnych
  • Leszek Świętochowski Autor jest prezesem Agencji Nieruchomości Rolnych


sale and lease of land, lease of land, open public tenders, restricted tenders, functions and tasks of Agricultural Property Agency


The article purpose is to evaluate the Agricultural Property Agency's (APA) activities to date within its statutory requirements and, in particular, the permanent disposal of property. The dominant form of disposal of real estate is sale. The Agricultural Property Agency had at the beginning of its activity 3.1 million ha of land, of which 2.5 million ha has now been reallocated, the majority by sale. The land distributed was mainly from the assets of former state farms (PGRs). There remains to be privatised a further 1.6 million ha mostly by sale. Annually the area of land leased decreases by approximately 150,000 ha through ending of leasing contracts or part returns.The analysis was based on data from activity reports of the Agricultural Property Agency, as well as internal studies and other available scientific literature. The results as presented indicate the level of the Agency's large commitment to the privatisation of property and the complex process required that accompanies the permanent allocation of property over the 21 years of operation of the Agency.


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How to Cite

Podgórski, B. and Świętochowski, L. (2014) “Real Estate Management of Agricultural Assets of the State Treasury”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (2 (163), pp. 173–188. Available at: (Accessed: 3 July 2024).




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