Dilemmas in the process of marking boundries of small farms


  • Wiesław Musiał Autor jest pracownikiem naukowym Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie
  • Mirosław Drygas Autor jest dyrektorem Instytutu Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN


small farms, delimitation criteria, scale of phenomenon, CAP reform


The article shows the phenomenon of small farms in the EU and delimitation criteria used in scientific research. Against this background, presents the main points of discussion at the conference Small farms – a big problem. It also identified the need for better targeting of instruments directed at small farmers in the framework of the CAP reform 2014–2020.


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How to Cite

Musiał, W. and Drygas, M. (2013) “Dilemmas in the process of marking boundries of small farms”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (2 (159), pp. 55–74. Available at: https://kwartalnik.irwirpan.waw.pl/wir/article/view/438 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).




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