The Use of Funds of Local Councils in the Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development Presented on the Example of Communes from Lower Silesia
budget of a commune, areas of great natural value, Lower SilesiaAbstract
The paper presents an analysis of the dynamics and structure of budgetary incomes and expenditures of two Lower Silesian communes, having a high share of areas protected because of the great value of the natural environment. In the strategies of the two communes emphasis has been put on the necessity to observe the principles of ecological development. In 2000-2007 the incomes of the examined communes increased. The incomes of the commune Krośnice grew four times owing mainly to successful efforts to obtain financial means from EU funds. The commune’s authorities have earmarked substantial amounts for investments in infrastructure, especially in facilities serving environmental protection. The budget of the other commune – Przemków, was based on the commune’s own resources and subsidies, with EU means having a minimal share in the incomes. The latter fact has limited the commune’s investment abilities. In the result of differences in the communes’ effectiveness of obtaining financial means form external sources the annual per capita income in the commune Krośnice has grown tangibly in comparison with the average figure for the Lower Silesian region, whereas the annual per capita income in the commune Przemków has fallen, widening the gap between its development possibilities and the development potential of the remaining Lower Silesian communes.References
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