Young University Graduates’ Motivations for Living in the Countryside in the Context of Rural Policies in Poland


  • Ilona Matysiak Ilona Matysiak, PhD, Faculty of Social Sciences, Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw, Poland



This paper focuses on young adults with a university education (aged 25–34) living in rural areas of Poland. Its aim is to analyse their motivations for doing so, as well as the implications of such decisions. The issue is of crucial importance in terms of the future of rural areas in Poland. Current rural policies, although somewhat vague, emphasize the urgent need of further modernization of agriculture and the creation of more nonagriculture jobs in local labour markets. In order to be successful, rural development should be a community-led process which requires well-skilled and dedicated rural residents. The paper is based on qualitative study conducted in ten selected rural municipalities in different parts of Poland. The analysis show that the young university graduates interviewed were motivated mostly by social relationships and attachment to the local area, but economic reasons were also important. Also, the types of motivation correlate with the young adults’ community engagement.


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How to Cite

Matysiak, I. (2018) “Young University Graduates’ Motivations for Living in the Countryside in the Context of Rural Policies in Poland”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (4 (181), pp. 111–130. doi: 10.53098/wir042018/06.