Proposal of a Method for the Evaluation of Spatial Order of Areas Subject to Reclamation


  • Tomasz Podciborski Autor jest pracownikiem naukowym Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
  • Agnieszka Trystuła Autorka jest pracownikiem naukowym Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie



reclamation, spatial order, evaluation of spatial order


One of the features of sustainable development is spatial order which is understood as such arrangement of space that takes into account natural, socio-economic, cultural, and aesthetic conditions. The earlier studies devoted to the reclamation of degraded or devastated areas did not address the issue of reclamation activities and their effect for the state of spatial order. The aim of this paper was to propose an evaluation method for the spatial order of degraded or devastated areas subject to reclamation. Due to the broad scope of this term, spatial order could be evaluated using different spatial references such as horizontal structure and vertical structure. The application of the proposed method permits to assess the state of the devastated area undergoing reclamation and to, simultaneously, indicate the elements that have a negative effect on the condition of the space’s components and, therefore, on the spatial order. The identification of elements that have a negative effect on spatial order will allow to make improvements in the spatial structure of the use and management of a surveyed area already at the stage of a project study of reclamation work.


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How to Cite

Podciborski, T. and Trystuła, A. (2010) “Proposal of a Method for the Evaluation of Spatial Order of Areas Subject to Reclamation”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (2 (147), pp. 82–95. doi: 10.53098/wir.2010.2.147/05.

