Selected Factors of Organic Plant and Animal Agricultural Production in the European Union
organic farming, organic production, animal production, plant productionAbstract
The assumptions of the European Green Deal include a provision that by 2030, 25% of agricultural land in the EU should be covered by organic production. Statistical data indicate that by 2020, there was an increase in the area of organic farmland in EU countries, which suggests that organic farming is a rapidly developing sector in the EU. It, among others, contributed by the increasing demand for organic food. However, various conditions after 2020 have contributed to the change in the situation of organic farming in the EU. The aim of the study was to assess selected factors of organic plant and animal agricultural production in selected EU countries. The research used comparative analysis and the monographic method and analysed data provided by the European Commission from 2015 to 2020. The research results showed that the countries with the largest area of organic crops were France, Spain and Italy, respectively. The research results indicate that France stood out from other analysed countries by the size of the ecological area of cereals for the production of grain, plants harvested green from arable land and fruits, as well as by the size of the poultry, swine and bovine animals population. Germany has a particularly large cereal area, as well as a high number of dairy cows and cattle farmed according to organic certification. Compared to the size and opportunity of EU countries, the potential in organic food production was found to be largely untapped, with a significant share of organic farming in total agriculture recorded only in Austria. The study complements the literature on the subject fills the cognitive gap in the field of current data and enables the assessment of the use of potential development opportunities in the field of organic farming in the EU. Noticing current trends in particular directions of organic agricultural production can help decision-makers create an effective strategy that is more applied than theoretical. Moreover, the issues presented in the study may inspire managers and agricultural production managers in the decision-making process aimed at the optimal allocation of resources, which may contribute to improving the condition of the natural environment and the quality of life in rural areas.
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