Social Innovations and the Inclusion of Rural Residents in the Process of Rural Renewal




rural renewal, social innovation, public institutions, involving residents


One of the goals of rural renewal is to involve residents in the process of its transformation. Not only projects financed (in recent years) from the funds of the rural development programmes, but also others, including those projects that can be described as social innovations, can contribute to its implementation. The aim of the article was to show the relationship between the implementation of social innovations by rural public institutions and the implementation one of the goals of rural renewal. The article presented the results of a study conducted on a random sample of 330 public institutions from rural municipalities. Selected empirical data obtained through the implementation of an online survey and two examples of implemented social innovations (identified thanks to unstructured interviews with representatives of public institutions) were analysed. Institutions that implemented social innovations were characterised by a higher level of involvement of residents in activities aimed at solving social problems affecting them. They involved residents in various stages of social innovation implementation, going beyond the scheme in which public institution provide the service, and residents used them. Social innovations contributed to the goal of rural renewal, which is to involve residents in the process of solving social problems.


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How to Cite

Zajda, K. (2023) “Social Innovations and the Inclusion of Rural Residents in the Process of Rural Renewal”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (3 (200), pp. 171–185. doi: 10.53098/wir032023/08.