There Is No Longer a Village, Which Could Be Renewal




rural renewal, shortcut to the future, smart villages


Rural renewal has played a very important role in Poland, revitalising the countryside in many dimensions: social, cultural and economic. It seems that the potential of this concept is running out, and not only because the idea of “rural renewal” is running out, but rather because of due to the disappearance of rurality itself in the traditional formula. A new rurality is being created, and smart villages can play a positive role in this process of more fully unlocking the potential of rural areas. New communication technologies, the Internet and digitalisation are a chance for the renaissance of rural life in a new form.


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How to Cite

Hałasiewicz, A. (2023) “There Is No Longer a Village, Which Could Be Renewal”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (3 (200), pp. 129–137. doi: 10.53098/wir032023/05.