Polish Villages and Municipalities in the European Rural Renewal Award
rural renewal, ARGE competition, holistic approach, ruralityAbstract
A quarter of a century of the rural renewal movement in Poland has passed. This movement was inspired by examples from Austria and Germany. The 25th anniversary of rural renewal in Poland is an opportunity to assess, compare and reflect, including comparisons with other countries and regions where rural renewal programs are also being implemented. One of the opportunities for such comparisons is the biennial competition held since 1990. European Rural Renewal Award. Poland has been represented there since 2000. The aim of the article was to assess the participation of Polish villages and municipalities in this competition, assuming that it is an indirect indicator of the state of Polish rural renewal against the background of rural renewal in the countries and regions represented in the competition. The article’s particular interest were the participation of Polish villages in this competition, against the background of villages and municipalities from other countries, how they fit into its criteria and how they were assessed, and how were individual voivodeships represented in it. The answers to the above questions will be helpful in formulating conclusions regarding the current course and future of rural renewal in Poland. In the research being the basis of this study, the following research methods were used: analysis of documents, open participant observation, interviews with members of the jury of the competition, and interviews with people representing villages and municipalities participating in the competition.
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