Multidimensional Relationships Between the Financial Situation of Rural Municipalities and Their Residents’ Standards of Living
standards of living, rural areas, canonical analysis, financial situation of LGU’sAbstract
The responsibility of local self-government is to implement a rational financial management policy, on the one hand, and to take development-oriented measures which contribute to improvements in the residents’ standards of living while providing a number of other benefits, on the other. The purpose of this study was to identify the multidimensional relationships between the financial situation of Polish rural communes and their residents’ standards of living. The first part of this paper brought some clarification on the standards of living and on the local government units’ (LGU’s) financial situation. The second part discussed selected findings from a survey carried out with presidents and vice-presidents of municipal councils in January and February 2022. The research procedure included a canonical analysis which identified four statistically significant canonical variates. The greatest and the most statistically significant canonical correlation coefficient was nearly 0.90; for the last statistically significant canonical variate, it was over 0.75.
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