Second Homes in the Opinions of the Residents of the Municipality of Czernichów: Negation or Acceptance?


  • Aneta Dacko Dr inż. Aneta Dacko, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, Katedra Geodezji Rolnej, Katastru i Fotogrametrii, ul. Balicka 253a, 30-198 Kraków
  • Sabina Janus mgr inż. Sabina Janus, Urząd Miasta Krakowa, Wydział Geodezji, Referat Uzgadniania Dokumentacji Projektowej, ul. Grunwaldzka 8, 31-526 Kraków



second homes, multifunctional rural development, non-agricultural functions of villages, tourist and recreational functions of villages, opinions of local people


The phenomenon of second homes is increasingly discussed in the literature on rural development. Research to date indicates both its negative and positive aspects for rural development. The authors decided to investigate this phenomenon through interviews conducted with permanent residents of the popular, in terms of tourism, municipality of Czernichów (Silesian Voivodeship), where the number of second homes is steadily increasing. The main objective of the study was to present the phenomenon of second homes as assessed by the community members of Czernichów municipality. Based on the literature in the field, both positive and negative effects of the development of second homes in the functional-spatial and social context were identified, which were verified by a questionnaire survey of the inhabitants’ opinion. The vast majority of respondents gave a positive assessment of second homes and its impact on the functioning of the village. There were also a few negative opinions, which confirmed the ambiguous impact of second homes on rural development. However, the second home phenomenon in the municipality of Czernichów were clearly accepted by the inhabitants.


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How to Cite

Dacko, A. and Janus, S. (2022) “Second Homes in the Opinions of the Residents of the Municipality of Czernichów: Negation or Acceptance?”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (1 (194), pp. 77–92. doi: 10.53098/wir012022/04.