Directions of expansion of rural tourism in the light of Poland's development plans


  • Andrzej P. Wiatrak Autor jest pracownikiem naukowym Instytutu Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN



rural tourism the, developmental programs and strategies, directions of development


In article were introduced the directions of development the rural tourism and role the national authorities in activating on rural areas this activity in the light of developmental plans of Poland. The analysis results were indicated that the activities of rural tourism in developmental plans have not the character of system, they are not coherent and are complement each other, and moreover they in majority do not cover the rural tourism in Poland, with except of plans of agriculture and rural development ministry. This situation results from that on rural tourism looks across prism of rural areas and problems solving than the connection with general strategy of tourism. Such approach finds also reflection in the programs of institutional support which on totality are too general, and they do not guarantee the help even in basic matters simultaneously, for example support of tourist enterprises in the rural areas.


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How to Cite

P. Wiatrak, A. (2008) “Directions of expansion of rural tourism in the light of Poland’s development plans”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (1 (138), pp. 74–87. doi: 10.53098/wir.2008.1.138/04.

