About the Journal
Aims and Scope
“Wieś i Rolnictwo” (“Village and Agriculture”) is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal (with double-blind peer reviews) of the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences published continuously since 1973.
It publishes original results of scientific research in the field of social science. The aim of the journal is to increase knowledge and understanding of changes in rural and agricultural economies, local communities, cultures and geographical space; to make progress in defining and recognising various manifestations of ruralism in the contemporary world; to stimulate the debate on shaping and implementing agricultural and rural policies as well as discovering new dimensions of mutual relations between humans and the natural environment
The journal primarily serves as a forum for sharing and exchanging knowledge, concepts, ideas and views originating from various theoretical approaches and diverse methodological perspectives that make rural areas and agriculture the subject of their interests, in particular: rural sociology, agricultural economics, human geography and spatial economics, demography, ethnology, cultural studies, history and political science.
The editors of the quarterly welcome contributions from authors from different countries and research institutions, as well as from policy makers, non-governmental organisations and other institutions developing important ideas and undertaking significant research in social theory, policy and practice. The journal is addressed to a wide range of rural and agricultural stakeholders, including scientists and researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners of rural economic and social life.
The quarterly is indexed in the databases:
- AgEconSearch
- Arianta
- Baza Agro
- BazEkon
- CAB Abstracts
- Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS)
- Current Geographical Publications (CGP)
- Dimensions
- EBSCO Discovery Service
According to the communication dated 1 December 2021 concerning the list of scientific journals and materials from international conferences, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland assigned 70 credits to publications in “Village and Agriculture”.
Submission to “Village and Agriculture” is free of charge.