Proposals of Changes in the Classification of Agrotourist Farms


  • Mikołaj Jalinik Autor jest pracownikiem naukowym Politechniki Białostockiej



division into categories, agritourist farm, agritourism


The dynamic development of agrotourist activity observable in the past few years, in particular since 2000, has become an indication of both the actual needs in this respect and considerable opportunities for increasing the number of agrotourist farms, especially in the situation of consistent support for efforts in this sphere offered by various institutions and organizations. The fast pace of development has made it necessary to introduce changes in the classification of agrotourist farms, designed to improve the quality and widen the assortment of services rendered by such farms. The proposals for the division of agrotourist farms into categories have been formulated in the conviction that they will become an element stimulating further research, analyses and discussions on the shape of agrotourist farms which are still in the phase of development. Simultaneously, some innovative solutions have been presented which may help choose an attractive and suitable locality and place for a vacation.


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How to Cite

Jalinik, M. (2009) “Proposals of Changes in the Classification of Agrotourist Farms”, Wieś i Rolnictwo. Warszawa, PL, (3 (144), pp. 109–122. doi: 10.53098/wir.2009.3.144/07.

